The MCX (Micro Coaxial) Series offers 50 or 75-ohm options and has broadband capability from DC to 6 GHz. In addition, the MCX series features a secure, fast and simple snap-on/snap-off coupling. Introduced in the 1980s, the MCX connectors are compliant with European CECC 22220 specifications.
This series offers designers an option where weight and physical space are limited. While the MCX uses the same internal contact and insulator dimensions as the SMB, the plug has an outside diameter of 0.140 inches, 30% smaller than the SMB.
MCX and the smaller MMCX connector are frequently used to connect external antennas to GPS receivers. They are also common on USB DVB-T tuners for computers and laptops, to connect an external antenna to the tuner.
MCX subminiature snap-on connectors offer an excellent blend of size,weight, durability and performance for applications such as mobile and fixed telecommunications.
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